Hurricane Irene is coming. The weather forecast has been blasting all kinds of scary things. Although, if you really read about it, it will turn into a tropical storm by the time it gets here, it does seem like we are going to have some bad weather for most of this weekend.

To be ready for the weekend-long date with Irene, we took Kaiju out to his favorite state park near by so we won’t feel guilty about keeping him inside mostly for the next two days.

His favorite is the large grassy area where he is let off-leash once in a while. And, the water. He likes to play with other dogs by the water, but also tries to go fetch the stuff we throw in to the water.

He went quite deep (the deepest he’s ever gone on his own) just to get the acorn that we threw in. Too bad he turned around instead of moving forward and swimming.

He was so happy and made us feel totally guilty by sitting down to protest when we tried to head home.

Oh, we wish we could stay here, too, but Irene is coming soon! Let’s go home and be prepared!

At least that was our excuse. Irene won’t really get here until Saturday afternoon…

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